Monday 23 May 2016

Benefits Of Lemon Juice On Gout Patients

Prudence Nehwu Kiseh
Department of Medicine
Scientific Journal Club
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universityof Bamenda

Gout is one of the many forms of arthritis (inflammation of the joints). It occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body. Swelling and severe pain develops at the joint especially at the base of the big toe. It affects 1 in 40 adults, mostly men between 40 and 60 years of age. A joint will start to ache, then swell up and become red, hot and extremely painful. Skin around the joint can become shiny and desquamate or appear to have a boil on it. In addition to the big toe, gout may also affect the ankle, heel, wrist, fingers, and elbow.
Uric acid or urate is an end product of purine metabolism. It is normally eliminated in urine, since it is soluble in water. It may, however, accumulate when;
·         the body increases the amount of uric acid it makes
·         the kidneys do not get rid of enough uric acid or
·         person eats too many foods high in purines
·         some enzymes linked to purine metabolism are deficient
The urate crystals are then deposited at the joints in the form of sodium urate.
Purine bases are found normally in the body but additional quantities could come from shellfish, red meat, certain alcohols such as beer and stout, liver, dried beans, yeast and yeast extracts. Alcohol in particular, predisposes one to gout as it causes dehydration thus increasing concentration of uric acid in blood. Other conditions such as obesity, heart disease, psoriasis, and treatment of leukaemia may increase risk of gout.

Interestingly, not everyone with high urate levels develops gout; reason not known (somewhat linked to genetic factors). It is one of the few types of arthritis where future damage to the joint may be stopped by treatment. As treatment, the drug Allopurinol is commonly used. Patients are also strongly advised to stop alcohol consumption, and the consumption of purine rich foods, as well as do regular exercise.

Lemon is a fruit in the citrus family available throughout the year, but mostly in season-May to August. They contain Vitamin C, a well known natural remedy for gout. Contains citric acid which helps to dissolve uric acid in the blood, easing elimination and providing relief. Lemon juice stimulates formation of calcium carbonate (alkaline) which neutralizes acids like uric acid in the body. Squeeze 2 lemons in a glass of warm water every morning and drink on an empty stomach to relief symptoms. This may also be  taken in synergy with raw garlic (contain phytochemicals which may also act against gout) or baking soda (2 table spoons of lemon juice+1/2 tablespoon baking soda) which will neutralize the uric acid.

This therapy may also to be helpful to people with high blood levels of uric acid, as its accumulation may not only lead to gout but to other conditions such as formation of kidney stones. One may also continue this therapy even after symptoms have been relieved to prevent future attacks. Drinking much water is also recommended.



  1. Gout is very problematic these days especially among the elderly as the report also indicates. i think this will help us to prevent this malaise and manage it if we should still fall prey to it

  2. thanks a lot for the information, I like it when we move towards natural remedies .
